GROUP 3: Bhavya, Léa, Daniel, Zhibang, Mary Ann, Franzi, Mariana, Oscar
LAB: This week we invite you to bring work in progress – perhaps two maps, even if in “sketch” form, that will make their way into your final atlas. We’ll break you up into small groups; you’ll share your work, solicit specific feedback and point out specific areas where you might be uncertain or stuck, and ultimately, we hope, benefit from your classmates’ responses.
- For Zhibang: Joyce Ma, Kwan-Liu Ma, and Jennifer Frazier, “Decoding a Complex Visualization in a Science Museum–An Empirical Study,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 26:1 (2019): 472-481 (you need to read only the following chapters: Introduction, The Plankton Populations Visualization, and Method).
- For Mariana: “Where Calling the Police Isn’t the Only Option,” Bloomberg City Lab (September 3, 2020).
- For Bhavya: Roman Mars, host, “The Next Billion Users,” 99% Invisible (October 19, 2020).
- For Lea: Maribel Casas-Cortes, Sebastian Cobarrubias, Charles Heller, and Lorenzo Pezzani, “Clashing Cartographies, Migrating Maps: Mapping and the Politics of Mobility at the External Borders of E.U.rope,” ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 16:1 (2017): 1-33.
- For Daniel: Ropate Kama, (1angrynative) Frances C Koya Vaka’uta, Kathy Jetñil-Kijiner, Mia Kami, and MATA. “Fighting for Our Survival,”
- For Franzi and Mary Ann:
- Guest Authors, “Tackling misinformation: What researchers could do with social media data,” Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review (December 9, 2020).
- Joan Donovan and Claire Wardle, “Misinformation is Everybody’s Problem Now,” Insights from the Social Sciences (August 6, 2020).